Is There a Stimulus Check for Rhode Island in 2025?

Published June 24, 2024 | Updated February 10, 2025
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If you’re facing financial hardship in Rhode Island, there are a number of programs and resources available.
While there are no new updates about stimulus checks for Rhode Island residents in 2025, you can still apply for federal assistance programs like unemployment benefits, Social Security, food stamps, rental assistance, and more.
Rhode Island taxpayers can also take advantage of tax credits to get a larger tax refund. Read on to learn more about how tax credits work, which ones you can apply for, and how much you can get.
Is There a Stimulus Check in 2025 for Rhode Island?
There are no new stimulus checks for Rhode Island residents coming this year. Any social media posts or online articles you may have come across about a fourth round of stimulus checks from the IRS are false.
Congress has not announced any plans for issuing more pandemic-related Economic Impact Payments through the American Rescue Plan or the CARES Act.
Rhode Island Stimulus Check 2025
Rhode Island doesn’t have a state-level Child Tax Credit (CTC). As a part of the FY2023 state budget, Gov. Dan McKee passed a one-time child tax rebate program. Eligible families in the state received rebate payments of $250/child in October 2022.
You can still claim the state-level Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC).
“While Rhode Island has no new stimulus checks, always consult a tax professional to take advantage of all tax rebates in this state,” shares Teresa Dodson, a debt expert and the founder of Greenbacks Consulting.
How do Rhode Island Stimulus Checks Work?
Tax credits can reduce your tax liability on a dollar-for-dollar basis. This can reduce the income tax you owe to the government, and you may be able to get a larger refund.
Tax credits can be refundable, partially refundable, or non-refundable. Non-refundable credits can reduce the amount of taxes you owe to zero, but you won’t get a check for any amount over that. With a refundable credit, you’ll get a check for the surplus amount once your taxes due are zero.
While tax refunds are not the same as stimulus programs, they can help put money back into the bank accounts of low and moderate-income taxpayers.
Who Is Eligible for Rhode Island’s Stimulus Checks?
All Rhode Island taxpayers who qualify for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) are automatically eligible for the state EITC. You must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to claim the federal credit:
- You must have earned income during the tax year.
- You must have a valid Social Security number (SSN).
- Your income must be within the adjusted gross income (AGI) limits.
- You must be a U.S. citizen or a resident alien during the tax year.
- You can’t file Form 2555.
- Your investment income should not be over $11,000.
- You must meet certain rules if you’re separated from your spouse and do not file a joint tax return.
You can qualify for the Rhode Island Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCTC) if you qualify for the federal credit. This credit is available to those who have paid someone else to care for their child or dependents so they can work. Here are the basic eligibility requirements to claim the credit:
- You must have earned income during the tax year.
- Married couples must file a joint tax return.
- The qualifying person should be a dependent under the age of 13, a dependent, or a spouse of any age who isn’t capable of self-care.
- You must have paid someone else for the care of your child or dependent so you could study or work full-time.
- Your child or dependent must have lived in your home for at least half of the tax year.
How Much Do You Receive and When
The Rhode Island EITC is fully refundable and is 15% of the federal EITC. The state’s Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCTC) is non-refundable. You can claim 25% of the federal CDCTC or up to $525 of eligible childcare expenses.
How To Track the Status of Your Rhode Island Stimulus Checks
Even if you claim tax credits, you won’t receive a direct payment. Instead, the credits will be applied to your taxes due, and they may increase the amount of refund you receive.
The Rhode Island Division of Taxation usually processes tax returns in four to six weeks. It may take longer to process our refund if you’ve filed an incomplete or incorrect return or if you’re a victim of identity theft. You can check the status of your refund using the Where’s My Refund tool if you haven’t received a paper check or direct deposit within this timeframe.
How To Apply for Rhode Island’s Stimulus Checks
You’ll need to file your personal income tax returns to claim one or more of the state’s tax credits. No additional action is required.
There are several options available when it comes to filing your state and federal income tax returns. You can hire a tax professional, use tax prep software, or use one of the free tax filing options from the IRS. These free programs are usually available to qualifying low or moderate-income filers.

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Get Your Free ConsultationGet Financial Assistance in Rhode Island
While there are no new Rhode Island stimulus checks, relief payments, or rebate checks coming in 2025, you can get some tax relief by claiming credits like EITC and CDCTC.
If you need help with food, healthcare, or housing, there are also a number of financial assistance programs offered by federal and local governments, as well as nonprofits.
Additionally, enrolling in a debt relief program in Rhode Island can provide several repayment options that can help you tackle large amounts of unsecured debt like credit cards and medical debt.
Visit our Massachusetts stimulus checks, New Hampshire stimulus checks, and NY stimulus checks pages for information about programs you can apply for in those states.